SSH 2024.06.12

R6 SSH: GC4S 2: Taiwan Online Program 1 台湾オンラインプログラム1

R6 SSH: GC4S 2: Taiwan Online Program 1 台湾オンラインプログラム1

R6.06.06 (Th) T-School Online: Social Issues Discussion and Presentations

R6.06.06 (木) T-School Online: 社会問題ディスカッションとプレゼンテーション

This school year we have revamped our GC4S Program (Global Communication for Skills, SDGs, Society 5.0 and Science) for our 2nd year students by starting GC4S 2.0. In this program our 60 2nd grade students are split into three groups with each group assigned to a different country that will conduct 3 to 4 online sessions with schools in our global network this school year. The three groups include: the Taiwan Group, the India Group and the Indonesia Group.

On Thursday, June 6th, our Taiwan group had their first online session with Taipei Digital Experimental High School (T-School). This session included discussions in small groups in breakout rooms about Technology and Education, Environment and Health, Gender and Race. The goal was to have students discover the similarities and differences they have in relation to their home countries and personal opinions. Each breakout room group summarized their findings on a presentation slide that was presented to the large group.

今年度、2年生を対象にGC4Sプログラム(Global Communication for Skills, SDGs, Society 5.0 and Science)を刷新し、GC4S 2.0を開始しました。このプログラムでは、60名の2年生が3つのグループに分かれ、それぞれのグループが異なる国の担当となり、今年度中にグローバルネットワークの学校と3~4回のオンラインセッションを行います。3つのグループとは、台湾グループ、インドグループ、インドネシアグループです。


