SSH 2023.07.04


R5 Global Online Program 3

R5.6.9 (F) Global Online Program with Junbesi Secondary School, Everest Region, Nepal

An online international exchange was held with students from Junbesi Secondary School in Nepal. This school is located at an elevation of 2800 meters in the Everest Region. This online program was held for our students participating in the Super Science Hawaii Expedition program and the Super Science Indonesia/Singapore Expedition. Each school introduced themselves to each other, and asked questions about culture and climate, COVID-19, and social media. On this day it was 24 degrees in Saitama, but it was 11 degrees at Junbesi Secondary School.

Although it was an online exchange, it was a good opportunity to use English. We will continue to create more opportunities for students to come into contact with English in preparation for our overseas science training programs.


Also in the future, we are working on making a visit to Nepal as a part of our Super Science Global Programs.




ハワイサイエンス研修、シンガポール・インドネシアサイエンス研修参加生徒を対象に、ネパールのエベレスト地域のJunbesi Secondary Schoolの生徒とオンラインで国際交流を行いました。それぞれの学校を紹介し合い、文化や気候などの質問が飛び交いました。



