SSH 2022.06.21




On Friday, April 29, we had a Global Online Exchange with Radford High School in Hawaii. Last year we talked about how COVID19 affected our daily and school lives. So this time we were able to talk about how things have changed or stayed the same from last year. The students also asked questions to each other about their schools, countries and culture. There were also live discussions being held in the chat where students were able to ask even more questions to each other. There were 15 students from Omiya Kita HS and 20 students from Radford HS.


4月29日にハワイのラドフォード高校と『Global Online Exchange』を行いました。昨年度もラドフォード高校とはCOVID19が私たちの日常生活や学校生活にどのような影響があるのかについて、オンライン上で話し合いを行いました。今年度は、昨年度からどのような変化があったのか、あるいは変化がなかったのかについて議論を行いました。その他にも、学校、国、文化についてお互いに質問があり、さらにチャット上では多くの質問や意見交換が見られました。


